P-05-1154 Re-open the Welsh hospitality sector by 12 April 2021


This petition was submitted by Lyndsey Groundwell, having collected a total of 157 signatures.


Text of Petition:                      

With proposed easing for Welsh holidays and the UK government’s exit strategy, we believe it is now time for the permanent re-opening of this economically and socially invaluable sector.

- NHS alert level has been dropped due to lesser threat

- Wales has administered highest percentage of vaccine first doses

- Lowest cases per 100,000 among UK nations at 75.4 per 100,000 - comparable to rates seen in September - plus other currently satisfied criteria means Wales now falls into alert level 2.


Additional Information:

Many Welsh pubs are the hub of the community providing a place where people can drop in and talk to other members of their local community which helps them feel less isolated. This benefit to people is specifically found in “the local” and often overlooked


Hospitality includes pubs, restaurants and cafes which attract members from every section of society and provides an invaluable source of income to its wider supply chain. Giving a date of 12 April will allow time for these vital companies to procure and manufacture the supplies that will be needed for the re-opening of venues


Last year, Wales re-opened after England which saw Welsh revenue go over the border


So far, hospitality will have been closed for two Easters, 2 Bank Holidays, Halloween, Bonfire Night, Christmas and New Year, St Dwynwen’s, Valentine’s, 6 Nations and also St Patrick’s and St David’s Day.


Many businesses will not survive unless the re-opening of hospitality is expedited


Senedd Constituency and Region

·         Carmarthen East and Dinefwr  

·         Mid and West Wales